6 Whore Tactics You Should Copy

Have you ever wondered why the whore, indeed the commercial sex industry, is still in business?  Why do they get patronage again and again when the wives of their clients suffer neglect?

The sex trade may seem very repulsive to many, even if for public appearance sake, yet none can deny its abiding success. So what skill and strategy set are upholding this ancient industry in modern times? Could it not be replicated at home to achieve much better desirable outcome?

Whether we admit it or not, the bad girl is very much in business and thriving, where the wives’ frustration are mounting. Please know that it is very true that every man desires a whore-wife in his bedroom.

It is not a secret anymore that many men patronize the industry regularly, spending millions of dollars annually to get the missing thrill in their lives. Infact prostitution is regarded as one of the oldest thriving industries, perhaps only second to agriculture.

So What Do The Girls Do Differently?

Based on real experience, and analysis of how the bad girls have always had the men coming back, we provide the schemes that have served the sex industry profitably for centuries.

  1. Body As Asset. The body of the girl is the asset that draws the clients, and brings income. So special care is taken, not only to preserve and enhance it, but to showcase it seductively. This is a whole package that includes alluring dress sense, skin care, fragrance choice, cleanliness etc.
  2. Word And Gesture Power. If you encounter a whore, physically or through a media, you will not be in doubt that she wants to please you sexually. She will present her ‘service’ to persuade her victim…sorry, the man, that he has missed out on great sex since he was born. How does she achieve this? Through words that arouse curiosity and deliberate body language. The tone of the voice, the carefully chosen words, the movement of parts of the body and use of eye contact all adds up. If it is necessary to talk dirty to make your point, then talk dirty!
  3. Know The Special Need Of The Man. The needs of men in bed are few. Learn and use them. A touch here, a licking…a baby bite there… The whore is forever learning about new ways to give pleasure. Sadly she knows the wife is still backward in these matters.
  4. Be Imaginative In Bed. Just like the women, men are enchanted by new avenues to pleasure. As a hint, any novel approach that gives prolonged pleasure or longer lasting climax is the key to keep him coming back.
  5. Don’t Bring Challenges To Bed. Regardless of the magnitude and urgency of a challenge, do not bring it to the bed of love making. Act as if his pleasure is the only thing worth working on at the moment.
  6. Repeat Pleasure Performance. Ensure to note the maximum pleasure practices and focus on giving optimum sexual fun along those lines always. The effect would be a returning man… a staying man.

We know that many whores that have become wives succeed at it using these methods. Men are easier to please than women, so you should use these methods for your marital benefit and your husband's fidelity. The only difference between you and the whore is that she is in it for money but you are cementing your relationship.

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