The distinction between the proof and the signs of a cheating husband may be a thin line but the consequence is as huge as the divide of sickness and death. The former may easily lead to the later if not treated.
When I chat with women who got proof of their husband’s infidelity in unexpected or sudden circumstances, one thing is certain. Some mind-preparing signs or out-of normal indicators of his adultery would have given some strength to absorb the rude shock.
Well, some may ask, what’s the difference? Don’t both scenarios indict the man of cheating on his wife?
That’s right, but the signs are worth probing to know the level of involvement: temptation, flirting or full blown. Each of these stages has different levels of remedy.
What about the proof? Too late! Nothing more to find out.
For good understanding, the Cambridge Advance Learners’ Dictionary defines signs as “a notice giving information, directions, a warning”. And proof is defined as “a fact or piece of information that something exists”.
So let’s take signs as ‘warning’ and proof as ‘fact’.
If the signs of a cheating husband are unrecognized or ignored, then certainly the fact will show up some day. Of course the woman will be the least prepared; the loser…the fool.
The wise woman, therefore, does not play down the signs but investigate them.
Confirm the fact or dispel the suspicion.
If there are some definite hints of his culpability, confront him.
One of the surest but devastating proofs a woman can have of her husband’s adultery is STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) infection. No, madam, it’s not one of the signs of a cheating husband but proof of it…conclusion of the matter.
Do you know that the STD could have been in the body for some time (say years) before detection?
Many STDs today do not show symptoms on the woman until they have wrecked massive damage in her organs and altered certain body functions negatively.
Definitely the STD would have been passed on to her by her husband (assuming she was chaste) from wherever he was coming from. And he couldn’t have picked it from the Sunday School!
While ‘lesser’ STDs (Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Candidiasis, Chlamydia etc) may be treated and cured with either medications or antibiotics, if detected early, the virus STDs are not that easy to handle.
Virus infections like Hepatitis B, HIV, General herpes, Genital warts (caused by HP virus) etc have no cure but can only be controlled. Actually the last two also pose significant risk factor for cervical and penile cancer.
This is to say that at whatever stage these virus STDs are detected, they have come to stay…for life.
Taking care of infidelity by addressing signs of a cheating husband is taking care of the most precious gift of all – life.
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