Is it really the desire for better sex that draws married men into cheating, unfaithfulness or adultery? I ask this because it is assumed that a man who is sexually unfulfilled, or imagines that sex could be better with someone else, is as good as doing it.
So, then, the search for great sex plays an overwhelmingly decisive role in every case where a man is unfaithful. But there are still extra marital relationships where there is no sex, (though temporarily, few and in-between) before before it gets to the next level.
In our world today, sexual suggestion is everywhere and everything: styles and fashion, product / service advertisements and promotions, music and movies, literature and arts etc. There seem to be no escape from sex-appeal contents in every industry as it is believed that sex sells. Every woman in public eye is now often described as hot, sexy, curvy or such like.
The man’s mind is bombarded daily with obscenities and ideas. Society can’t offer any help to the man to remain faithful to his wife, so the man with honor soon learns to help himself and determine to be unwavering in his faithfulness to his wife. However, many men are defeated and taken in their minds; and then they become adulterers.
The point is, whether we know it or not, the so-called sex appeal factor promotes sex appetite and desire in the weak-willed man to cheat on his wife.
To the man in search of great sex, what he sees in a woman that makes her different from another is actually in the appearance, shape or other physical quality. That is why it is impossible for one woman to be like another woman in the eyes of the same man. A man given to lust for women will always find reasons to want another woman one more time.
The curious thing about men who seek better sex is that the search never really ends. It’s an insatiable quest that takes them from one woman to another. The man imagines that the next woman will be excitingly different in the sex experience…then he takes another…and another…
It is this quest for the elusive better sex that leads men into cheating their wives and become slaves to adultery, moving from one woman to another.
I have pin-pointed here the mind-set and fantasies of men in the web of adultery.
As has been seen, there is no end to the search for better sex for an adulterous man. It’s a mind game that initiates married men to continuously cheat on their wives leading to devastated hearts and marriage break-ups.
Will there ever be an end to this pursuit of ultimate sex pleasure?
Some say that men could learn to put a check to 'something' within. Then the search would end because what they seek 'there' has always been 'here'!
Do you agree? Let us share your thoughts on this matter as you write today.
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