My Wife Is Always Cheating On Me.

by Adam

I found out my wife had been cheating on me for 2 weeks. I told her I would forgive her and that we could work things out if she's willing to change. I finally left and still no change; she wants me back one day and the next she is running to other men.

She told me she has found God again and begged on her hands a knees and will do anything to have me back but after a day again ran into the arms of another man, a different man.

I know she is just confused and I pray that she can fully accept God in her life and let him take control. I pray that she turns to God when she is faced with temptation.

All the prayers I can get would be greatly appreciated! God bless you all!

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Jun 01, 2016
Prayers Can Dislodge The Adulterous Spirits In Your Wife.
by: Osita

Hi Adam, I would certainly like to guide you in prayers to break the grip of unclean spirits of lust and adultery over your wife.

You'll have to sign on to the free 'Get Prayer Help Now!' and I will get back to you.

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