My Husband Wants To Seduce Female Neighbors By Being Nude For Them

by L

After reading much of your website, I think and am so honestly, deeply and truly hoping...maybe someone understands!

I married a Christian man over a year ago. However, I discovered months later his emotional attachment/love for two female neighbors. One of whom he poses naked through our window and hers morning and night. To note, he is a nudist who used to frequent nudist beaches.

Later my husband's ex-wife as well as their ex-roommates took advantage of him and created many problems legally for him. My husband is truly being a victim of harassment of false allegations.

But back to mine and my husband's situation, for the above reasons, my husband has emotionally attached himself to these two female neighbors. They truly feel for him as they personally witnessed his problems with his ex-wife, however, they do not love my husband as a woman should for a man. But my husband has misconstrued their empathy for the above troubles for love.

And now I feel as if I am the 'other' woman in my husband's life. He texts them continually but his texts to me have diminished...almost non-existent. He used to call as well as text me every day. Now there is nothing.

I've met the female neighbors, and they like him but have never thought of him the way he fantasizes about.

I don't know what to do because he continually tries to connect with them via text specifically the one across from us who can view our window. I didn't know this when we married, but he would text them even when we were in bed!

My husband strongly protests his love for me in each and every way, however, he rarely texts or calls me. He did do that before; since about June, something changed. He never calls or texts me since then...well unless he's drunk. Then he'll call/text me horrible things about how bad I am.

I believe my husband loves me. I know he is still caught up in all of this and it is damaging our marriage. My husband has stated he knows this is wrong and it is in violation of our marriage vows but he is trying to convince me it is "OK" by God because God sees it. Personally, I have not found any scripture stating how a married person is okay by our God to expose himself/herself to someone they are not married to.

This woman states 'she doesn't remember witnessing this exposure and told me she doesn't "want to see his shit", but my husband continually wants to give her gifts, money and whatever else she asked for.

Selfishly, I truly pray for my husband to love me.

My husband (who, by the way, confesses to be Christian) is completely turned on by every other woman - at church!

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