My Husband Is With Another Woman

by Mrs
(North Carolina )

I made my husband leave for not helping with the bills of the month. He left and met another woman. He says God brought her into his life.

He has cut off communication with me and his kids. My kids are sad and I'm at my wits end. I just want my husband back. The other woman doesn't care that he's married with his kids.

I have been praying her away and for him to stop this adulterous relationship but it continues. I don't know what I'm doing wrong I repent and ask for cleansing before praying.

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Mar 07, 2018
Right Prayers Never Fail To Recover Cheating Husband
by: Osita

There is tremendous power in the right prayers to turnaround your husband and heal your marriage.
Perhaps, you've not prayed what you should or how you should.

Let me guide you to win back your husband and save your marriage through targeted prayers.
We'll pray with you and counsel you until you succeed.

To start, sign on to the free ‘Get Prayer Help Now!' from the right side of our website
and we'll get in touch immediately.

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