My Husband Get's Women From The Social media.

by Laryssa
(Corpus Christi, Texas)

It happened 8 years ago and still happening that my husband started a social media affair with many different women.

So 7 months ago it got physical but I forgave him. Now he's been caught again and again, we got physical and he fought me.

It so happened yesterday after dropping off our daughters at school I forgot something before leaving to work and turned around to go back home and I caught him again with a phone that he tried hiding. I know what I saw because I went in to grab it and touched it and he slapped my hand off.

As I walked away for more than two minutes he had the oppoortunity to hide it. There is nothing else I can do. I've prayed for him and enough is enough. Is it time to let go?

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Dec 03, 2015
Let The Targeted Prayers Work For You.
by: Osita

No, it's never time to give up your marriage. God has given you all you need in prayer to take back your husband and marriage. If you have not succeeded, then you have not prayed right.

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