My Boyfriend Say He Loves Me But He's Gone With Another Woman.
(Texas, USA)
My boyfriend and I were in a happy relationship we knew there were some things we had to work on, so we cut it off just so we could get closer to God!
As I'm getting closer to God and I surrendered everything to God and getting closer he's telling me that he's praying but God is showing him dreams to be with a girl from his past that has tried to break our relationship.
So I'm praying that he surrenders himself to God completely and become one with God and that he comes back to our relationship built on God and stop letting the devil play with him! He wanted me to be his wife but now this.
The other day I was going to leave completely but God gave me confirmation to just be still and know that he is God and be silent and pray! I just need prayer for patience and letting God control everything!