Husband Of Nine Years Having Affair With The Baby Sitter

by Anon

Prayers for my husband of nine years who had been cheating on me for the last two years. He's been having a relationship with a young woman who was our babysitter.

I ask for prayers for a renewed husband and a renewed family.

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Apr 17, 2022
Same! NEW
by: Anonymous

Same exact thing happened to me. She was really irritating me, wanting me to come to my house almost every weekend. I told my husband that she was getting on my nerves and wanted my life. I didn’t let her come over for a long time. My husband after several months wanted to let her come once a month so we could have a date night. So I relented. After a few months, I received a text from my husband that obviously wasn’t meant for me. When I confronted him, he knew he was caught and told me the truth. He had been sleeping with her for 2 yrs, IN OUR HOME WHILE I WAS ASLEEP!!!! Talk about some nerve! We are in marriage counseling and are trying to make things work. I called the tramps husband and had a few choice words for her too. They are divorcing. All I can say, she’s damn lucky I live two hours away from her

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