Husband Of 40 Years Want To Marry Younger Woman.

by Anonymous

Dear Lord, I am grateful that I can come to you in good times and bad. I am most grateful that Your word goes out and does not return void but accomplishes what You said it would.

My husband of 40 years left me two years ago and filed for divorce to be with the much younger woman with whom he has had a five year relationship. He wiped out our savings account and wants to seemingly put me in the poor house so he can continue to support her and give her lavish gifts.

I know he is controlled by satan. I forgive him and recognize my faults in our failed marriage. Please send home the prodigal husband. Please get rid of the other woman. Please stop the divorce and restore our marriage. I love You Lord and promise that You are the center of our lives. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

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Sep 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

glad i read this. i had 3 kids for my ex husband until i eventually found he was cheating, surprise surprise!! metaphase0 gave me instructions and did some app thing to spy on his iPad.. most unbelieveable thing is that my husband was attracted to men!.. he had these men and group chat on his whatsapp and Facebook discussing pub hangouts and gay clubs. im glad i employed metaphase0@gmail to help me catch my cheating husband. contact if you want your partner caught, plus his rates are fair

Sep 06, 2016
Praying with you
by: Anonymous

I will be praying too! May the Lord favor our prayers today, in Christ Jesus I pray amen.

Sep 06, 2016
by: Anonymous


Sep 05, 2016
I'm praying with you
by: Anonymous

You're in my prayers hun.

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