I want you to succeed in one thing from this piece: that is to bring your husband home.
You may have questions, and indeed, doubt if you have such authority to bring him home. Of course, you could have tried other means to persuade your husband to come home but they didn’t work.
Well, I want to let in in what will work if you will receive it.

To start, you need to put behind those past failures, forget completely your previous attempts to bring your husband home. Understand what I am about to show you in this article, then you are on to a pleasant surprise. You can win your husband back from his wanderings with the help of God through the targeted prayers I have obtained for you.

I will like you to believe that you came to read this because God brought you. There is a reason why you came. God has seen your struggles and your secret tears… the mockery and shame. But you will soon see a change for the better.
Why do I say this?

I have seen wonders where women engaged these prayers with me and recovered their husbands from the mouth of the lioness.

Where Is Your Husband’s Heart?

When I speak about bringing your husband home, there are two groups of such men.

•    One group are those that are physically separated from you and your marriage by the unclean spirit of lust and cheating. You may know their whereabouts or you may not. Each time you hear about them or see them, they drop things that twist your soul.

•    The second group are those that still return home but their soul are stolen by another woman. This group are separated from you, the wife, in the spirit but they are still hanging around the home.

They do the home no good at all. There is so much hurt and pain from their behavior day by day. The atmosphere in the home is tensed because he is critical and hateful. It is obvious that his entire being is with another woman but his body is at home.

The prayers I will show you here will address the two categories of cheating husband and you will be able to bring your husband home spirit, soul and body. If his spirit is ceased by unknown strong forces, the stronger power is ready to step in and release him for you.

It Is Possible To Bring Your Husband Back Home

By personal experience in power prayers that achieve result in winning back straying husbands, I will also tell you some people that do not get result.

People fail or succeed from their minds… their thoughts. Issues, doubts and fears may enter your mind, as it does for all people, but you decide on which ones you nurture or dismiss. Do all you can to kill the unhelpful thoughts even if they seem authentic. Targeted prayers have changed, and will continue to change, unfavorable situations.

If you keep the wrong set of thoughts, they will frustrate and derail the prayers. But if you reject them and retain the positive mindset, they enter your spirit and God works for you.

Now, some people say they have prayed so many prayers for so long that they now think that their husband will not come back by prayers. But such people have not read the scriptures with understanding. If you will come with me to the scriptures, you will notice that your case has happened somewhere before.

Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets. When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break." (Luke 5:5)

Do not call to mind the former things; pay no attention to the things of old. Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert. (Isaiah 43:18-19)

May I remind you that it was God speaking in those verses. That is to tell you that new help has come your way, your past efforts and experiences notwithstanding.
If those scriptures does still make any change in your thoughts on the reality to bring back your husband, then this article may not help you. Perhaps you need another set of faith-boosting prayers before you take these ones I am offering here.

But then, your failure in the past could be because of three factors that I will also mention briefly here.

•    You may not have prayed the targeted prayers. Targeted prayers are prayers specifically for your purpose obtained from the Spirit of God.

•    You may not have prayed the prayers sufficiently. Prayers should be prayed completely. You should not be in a hurry to discard targeted prayers and seek new ones. The prayers should be prayed until you can pray same words from memory, even in your sleep.

•    You have not engaged a committed prayer partner. There is much power in prayer of agreement (see Matthew 18:19). However, your prayer partner must be willing to pray same prayers with you several times in the day. On your own, do everything to encourage your prayer partner to remember your matter.

How To Pray And Bring Your Husband Home

I will soon give you access to the prayers but I need to emphasize that if you don’t engage them properly, they will not deliver. On the other hand, when you pray them advisedly, they will blow up any barrier, physical and spiritual, that has taken over your husband.

There are four prayers in the bundle. If any of the prayers don’t apply to you, skip it. Otherwise, pray all of them each praying time.

Start your prayers at the midnight (12 am) your local time.  Then pray  again at 12 pm, 3 pm or 6 pm… whichever time that is convenient to you.
So, you will pray at 12 midnight, then at ANY of those other times. You will pray TWICE every 24 hours. Of course, you can pray more than twice, it adds up for you. Spend at least 30 minutes on the prayers each time you pray.

The first thing that will begin to happen when you pray is that something will start to change in you. Your husband can’t be all bad and you are all good. So, whatever needs to be changed in you will start shifting. The Holy Spirit will do this quickly in you if you pray sincerely.  This change may be your attitude towards your husband or your Christian life.

If this prayers do not change you, it may be difficult to change anybody else.
You will also need somebody to pray these prayers with (and for) you. That is what we mean by prayer partner. If your prayer partner needs these prayers for herself too, she cannot be an effective prayer partner at the same time.

I have a serious commitment to partner with a group of women, to pray with, until they win back their husband. If you are in my prayer group, you know it already. If you are not in my group yet, please sign up for ‘Get Prayer Help Now’ on the top right of this web page and respond to the questions that will be sent immediately.

This will help my team know you and start praying with (and for) you.
I will be confident to declare that as for many that will follow these instructions in praying the following prayers, your husband will change and return to you quickly.

If you are set to bring your husband home through the prayers please click here.

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