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Help Me In Prayer For My Husband! November 05, 2014 |
Unfaithful Husband: The Place Of Prayer For Mercy.In this segment, and in looking at the recovery of the unfaithful husband, we shall be considering and taking advantage of a very powerful attribute of God. This attribute is mercy. If you look at our theme scripture (Psalm 103:8), you’ll see ‘mercy’ at the beginning and at the end of the verse: ‘The Lord is merciful…plenteous in mercy’. That mercy is an allowance to help us reach out to God when we don’t qualify. We sometimes come short of the standard of God by the things we do, or don’t do. So we shouldn’t depend on our ‘doings’ to get what we ask for in prayer. You should be crying out for mercy for your unfaithful husband most often than justifying (or excusing) yourself before God. (Luke 18:9-14). Mercy takes care of those hidden or unrecognized shortcomings or wrong doings taken for granted. This was David’s in Psalms 19:13 (Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous [sins]; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression). Presumptuous sins are those arrogant, self-righteousness behaviour that makes you feel good but are actually blocking your access to God. 2 Reasons Why You Should Seek God’s Mercy Over Your Unfaithful HusbandOne, mercy prayer shows you are looking inwards, inside you, for what could have caused (or sustained) your husband’s misbehavior. Secondly, you could ask for mercy on behalf of your cheating husband. He may have walked himself into the trap of immorality where he is now held captive. See how Samson and Esau entered into bondage on their own. (Judges 16:17 / Genesis 25:29-34). So let us pray for mercy so that we may be heard and get help for your husband to be untangled from the prison of immorality. PRAYER. Scripture references: ‘…have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer’ – Psalms 4: 1 ‘Have mercy upon me, O LORD; consider my trouble [which I suffer] of them that hate me…’ Psalms 9:13 ‘Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I [am] desolate and afflicted. The troubles of my heart are enlarged: [O] bring thou me out of my distresses.’ – Psalms 25:16-17). Father, Lord, have mercy on me and forgive and cleanse me of any sin or wrongdoing that may have contributed to my husband’s unfaithfulness. Have mercy on me and help me to always approach you aright in prayer so that my prayers would be answered according to the scriptures. Father, also have mercy on my husband and our marriage and intervene in his misbehavior. Bring him out of the mess of adultery he is in and save him for your own glory. Thank you for your plenteous mercy that I have now received in Jesus Name. Amen. Your prayer path is getting smoother, so success will follow soon - your husband's will be re-ordered away from the strange woman and back to you. Learn to avoid Powerless prayer. |
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