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Help Me In Prayer For My Husband! June 08, 2015 |
Use Power Declarations To Draw Answers And Chase Off Spirits That Control Him.Luke 21:15 “For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist”.    Hi, friends. Congratulations for taking the eBook, Deliverance Prayers That Win Back The Cheating Husband! The book is the bomb – equipping many and bringing down the heads of Goliaths in your marriages. Also important, use the same prayers to help other women after you, who may be challenged with cheating and lying husbands.
For those who have taken the eBook, I have scheduled an all-night prayers this Friday with three of my associates. Each of you would have at least 30 minutes of focused intercession in the Holy Ghost. The lust spirits of cheating and lying must leave your husband alone, by fire of the Holy Ghost and by force of the Blood of Jesus!    If you have a special prayer request, different from the one you had given me, send it to me immediately. I tell you, your testimony will be like that of Jesus in Luke 10:18. You have never seen anything like it before! Heaven will come down to help us that night. Be sure your case is listed there. This is for those who have taken the eBook by Friday 12th June. Others would have their time later. Unleasing Power Prayer Shots For Maximum Impact. Are You Finishing Your Prayers Well?2Cor 4:13 "…I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak" Whenever I pray for anyone of you, I declare some ‘dangerous’ things against the intruder (spiritual and physical) who must let go of your husband and your marriage. What a joy, some wonderful turnarounds are already manifesting to a large number of your husbands (I’m sorry I can’t mention names or be specific for obvious reasons). But my aim here today is to show you how you can take your answers. It is possible for everyone to copy same prayer methods and have the same prayer experience of finishing satisfactorily well…and quickly too.
Prayer empowers you to affect lives and alter situations that have shifted out of the will of God. Your marriage is your constituency so you qualify to decree a thing and have it established. If those evils are not leaving, it’s either you have not generated the power (through prayer) or you have not used it (through declarations).
How can you be sure of the immense power in those prayers in that eBook?
It’s by demonstrating it in the power of the Holy Ghost. Power is already in the prayers. They are generated in you when you pray and ought to be released by way of declaration, prophecy and calling-forth…
If you are not doing that already, take it up right now. I will show you how (with specimen) in this edition. So, let’s see how Jesus taught this finishing aspect of enforcing your authority. Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." Power In The Mouth.Declarations, calling-forth or prophecy is slightly different from our regular confession of the word of God. This is COMMAND and it usually follows prayer or an encounter with the Spirit of God. Your just-from-prayer time is the height of power and be COMMAND time for what ought to be thereafter. It is not a time to ‘hold your peace’. It does no good if your gun is loaded and you don’t pull the trigger. Don’t do like the Ephramites in Psalms 78: 9.    But see how the Spirit nudges us after a prayer encounter.    Ezek 37:9-10 "Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army."    Then Jesus showed us an apt example at graveside of Lazarus.    John 11:41-43 "…Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth."    You’ll also see in the gospels that Jesus COMMANDED evil spirits out of places, persons and situations. Once they leave, all other things become normal.    I always COMMAND situations to turn according to my prayers and the Word of God immediately after praying for any one of you! That’s why you see those changes. I will show you how I do it in a moment so that we will exit satan and his collaborators from defiling your husbands and marriages. Power Command For Husband Turnaround.For the purpose of this specimen, we are going to assume names. Substitute them as appropriate. Your husband’s name – Mr Solomon David. The strange woman – Miss Jezebel Ahab. “In the Name of Jesus Christ I COMMAND you spirit of lies, spirit of pornography, spirit of alcohol, spirit of immorality, spirit of sex addiction, spirit of cheating, spirit of lust…(as many spirits as you can sense, call them directly. General name of evil spirit will not do!), loose your hold on my covenant husband, Mr Solomon David now for it is written in Phil 2:10 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth”.     I COMMAND all your shackles and chains with which you tied him to be broken; I COMMAND your veil and mask over his face to be lifted; I COMMAND your activities in his mind and body to end right now in Jesus Name.     I COMMAND the immoral affair between Miss Jezebel Ahab and my covenant husband, Mr Solomon David to end now. I severe every agreement, oath or covenant, spiritual and physical, and burn them up in the spirit. I COMMAND my covenant husband, Mr Solomon David to come home to me in love, repentance and faithfulness now. I seal this COMMAND with the Blood of Jesus.”     Note say what is appropriate for you and say it immediately after your prayers. If you need further explanation or assistance, contact me. Finally, Consider This Work…This Prayer Project is completely free for any one we pray with or counsel. We have never asked anybody for money. Surely, the prayers have been a blessing to so many beyond what money can get.    The Project is intensive and supported by people who believe in the work and are moved by the Holy Spirit to reach out to us.    Now, our numbers are really rising and the work load is enormous. I need you to partner with us by sending us your financial seed. Please do this if you are led by the Spirit, otherwise there is no obligation. If you are led to reach out to us, send me a mail and I will inform you how you may send your seed of love.    God will surely reward you.    You shall succeed.    Osita. |
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