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Help Me In Prayer For My Husband! December 01, 2016 |
The Answer To This Question Could Change Everything For You. If you know these things, happy are you if you do them.(John 13:17) I appreciate all the comments on the new eBook, How Your Children can Be Different From Their Cheating Father. Phew, I just saw the report on the eBook and I’m impressed with the skyrocketing interest so far. If you are unaware of the eBook release (about 14 days now) you could take a peek into what’s in it here. See the Contents of This Life Changing eBook .   Ok, to the discussion of the day. Something happened on the night (no, it was morning: 1.47am) of Wednesday, 2nd of this month (November). That incident halted my prayers midway and put me on inquiry for the rest of the planned prayer time. I had ended my praise and worship and commenced intercession for the first woman on my schedule for that night, when I heard a question deep inside my spirit. You see, when on this midnight intercession for you, nothing distracts me until I’m through. It is only rare… very rare, that the Spirit of God speaks to me at the actual intercession time. Most of the time, I hear Him when I do my preparatory meditation, or after the prayers. Not in the middle of intercession. I am sharing this with you because I soon found out the reason: God wanted me to pray the prayers He would answer. The question He asked me was a question meant for the woman I was praying for. But I soon found out that the question applied also to others, and could benefit them also. Perhaps it may even be part of the reason certain things have not happened for someone else. How do I know? Since the 3rd of November (next day) I have used that question to directly counsel 17 women, and I’m astonished at the changes within this short period. It is more like a revolution to their lives and marriages. You will soon hear the testimonies from that question encounter when it is complete.  
Some Questions Are Really Instructions.So what was the question God asked me concerning that woman? “Does she belong to My family?” The Spirit of God had asked me of that woman. I immediately understood what God was saying, and for the rest of the planned prayer time, God showed me why her prayers had fallen flat, and not moved a thing. Later that day, I asked the woman that question over Whatsapp messenger. She answered without hesitation that she was saved and prays consistently. That wasn’t the answer to the question. So I rephrased. “Do you belong to a local Bible-believing church?”
That question is for you also. Our chat later revealed a few things about her attitude in the things concerning Church attendance and commitment. So we reviewed a few things, and I made suggestions which she agreed to keep.  Last night, she sent me an email about recent positive changes in her marriage and personal life. It was her email that made me change the theme of today’s eZine. I decided to give you the benefit of that information. So, would you answer the question, if I asked you?
Before you answer, bear in mind that I didn’t ask whether you attend church every time you feel like. Or if the Pastor,(Priest) knows you personally. If your Church has a physical register of members, your name should be there but it goes deeper than that. To belong to a local Church, you have to commit to the Church as to your own natural family. The Church is the family of God, and you are supposed to be part of that family. I didn’t say your Church (or its leaders) are perfect but there is no alternative to the Church of God. It is God’s family. God loves the family, He loves the Church. If you are not getting sufficient spiritual nourishment from your local assembly or fellowship, find another Church or denomination and plug in. Mind you, the new one you find won’t be perfect either. Now, to belong to the Church means you are actively serving there. There must be a job you would volunteer to be doing regularly (not occasionally) to maintain the place, just like you would do in your own natural family. Would You Do As Required By God?![]()
The main point here is this: if you don’t belong to God’s family, God will not also bother about yours. The law of reciprocity is at work here too: Therefore in all things whatsoever you expect that people should do for you, do even same for them: for this is the law... (Matthew 7:12) I believe it is not late or hard to change and do what the Spirit of God has hinted. It could be the missing piece in your answered prayers as it was for that woman that God used to pull us in line today.  Remember that membership of a local assembly means your physical appearance in Church whenever God calls His family meeting. It is not joining a Church on TV or via the internet. God loves fellowship. May God give you understanding.  
New Prayer Arrangement Coming.I have been led to start putting new prayer arrangement in place. Though we are still praying on it and fine tuning it, I feel I should give you this information. We will not start until God gives the go ahead. The idea is to assign additional prayer partner(s) from among youselves. This will encourage deeper and committed prayers, as well as sharing testimonies. However, counsel between you and your prayer partner(s) will be discouraged, except cleared by me. This is for proper spiritual guidance so that people are not misguided or led into error. The arrangement will be guided by some comprehensive rules, but note these for now: 1. Only those who indicate interest and register for it would be matched with prayer partners. The others may continue with the present arrangement 2. You would have a choice of who your partner should be and her location. 3. You would have the right to discontinue with a prayer partner, or have her replaced.  4. There would be independent regular feedback to me by all assigned prayer partners. 5. I would still continue to be your chief prayer partner, praying for you as appropriate.
Since we are still developing and praying on this idea that came to me last month, you are free to make input and recommendations, or ask questions. You shall succeed. Osita. Unleasing Power Prayer Shots For Maximum Impact. Let's Continue This On Our FaceBook Page.Click here for our Facebook Page! And Like it!. |
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