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Help Me In Prayer For My Husband! November 30, 2017 |
Your Prayers Are Working. Don't Stop. “Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare my Word, that you may be justified.” "For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned." "Is any thing too hard for the LORD?"(Genesis 18:14) Whatever your experience in these BBI prayers, nothing is final yet. These first seven days may have put the prayers in your spirit, but the next 14 days will bring them to manifestation. Hi Beloved of God, This is the seventh day of the BBI Level 3! Wow! It seems as if it has been on for a month! Here, my schedule is crazy. Everything is on hold except the prayers. I am on a continuous fast and I hardly sleep at night.
I like to pray at night. I like the look and feel of the night. Most importantly, I know these evil spirits like to do their dirty things at night. So, what better time to spray the Word of God in prayers for you?
I must see your case turn out for a very good report. I call your names (that is the BBI participants) and your husbands. If you mentioned the strange woman (she is in big trouble this time!) I call out her names too. For those who sent me pics, I put them forward and declare the Word of God into those pics as a point of contact.
I pray as if you, your husband, the strange woman, the unclean spirits are right before me! I am specific like the dot. Everything you have said about your marriage troubles is in my prayer card for you. I prop it up and begin my BBI prayers, pointing at those issues. I 'read-pray' those prayers, perhaps a hundred times before the break of day.
Do you see why we cannot fail?
If you notice, your enemies are throwing things at you to make you stop. They are kicking... and kicking very hard. They hope to be left alone to destroy your home. But they will be dismissed because we will not let them be. It is immoral to take your husband's affection from you and move to break your covenant marriage. God wants us to take a position. That's what we are doing here. God is on your side.
I know the enemies of your marriage will still try some tricks, even through your own people or family. Nevertheless, these prayers will run its course and we will have your marriage restored. I ask you now, will you keep the terms of these prayers to the end or will you sell out in your own matter? As for me, my mind is made up to fight in prayers for you and win. God has given me the backing by His Word. I have to get your testimony! There are distractions flying from all over. The reports I get shows that many of you are facing one distraction challenge or the other. Therefore, the prayers are delayed, stopped or lost. This shouldn't be. I said from the onset that there would be distractions. Now we have them. This means we are on the right part. Just as this distraction is coming, the victory from the prayers will also happen for you. Personally, I have a huge mountain of distractions too. Well, I expected them because each time I am on some power intercessions like this, oppositions stand in the way. I am used to it... and excited because
I know where it’s leading. It is a sign of sure victory in prayers. I just hope you are the one it will happen for. Apostle Paul said “A great and effectual door is opened unto me and there are many adversaries”
The devil would like me to stop the prayers for you and with you. Or to relax a little bit. I won’t. You know the power of our Ministry is flowing from Matthew 18:19, so if he can get me out of that authority, your prayers will have to fight alone. But “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”.
One thing about the devil is that he never stops trying. Remember he went to Jesus after 40 days of prayer and fasting on the mountain and tried Him three times in a row. If he could try Jesus Christ, he would not leave you alone. That notwithstanding, you can come out of it victorious if you are prepared. I can tell you that Jesus knew the devil would show up. So he was armed with the Word, just as you are. And He used the same Word you have today to shake off the devil. I hope you will use your own as often as you have been given.
The devil wants to stop us from spiritual things. He wants to stop us from prayers, from fasting, from confessions of faith, from fellowship and Bible study. He will rather have you sleep, chat with friends, watch TV, browse the net, go for shopping or dates all of your time. That’s why you need a prayer partner who keeps the fire burning even when you are on recess. So that’s why God sent me to you at this time.
So, the devil shows you discouraging bits of your life happening now. You read or hear things that don’t cheer you up. He comes to you at your down moments and gives you his opinion, and have you repeat them as your reality. The devil wants you to use your own mouth to announce that God’s ways are not working, that you are defeated finally.
But you should never accept his opinion even if everything seem hopeless. Remember, he is a liar. You are not the first person to be in that situation and got helped. The same God that did it for others is here to help you. Have you been reading the testimonies of what God has done here? Don’t you believe God is still around and doing wonders?
Now that you know how the devil speaks, let me tell you why you must never say what he wants you to say. You remember we are in the Court of Heaven presenting our case through the prayers? God is the judge and He is on your side but He still wants to allow fair hearing. Fair hearing is a privilege that allows everyone involved in a case to have their say, and state why they should have things their way.
Now, there is no meeting point with the enemies of your marriage. We are petitioning God to break their wicked acts in your marriage so that you will enjoy peace and love. That's why you can't agree with your enemy to take your husband and destroy your marriage. If you ever do, you have sold out. By that, you will be handing over your husband and marriage.
However, if you are in the position where the attack and stress on you was too much and you already confessed that your marriage is not worth the fight, don’t despair. It’s not over yet. You have just received new inspiration by by the Spirit of God, so you are taking back your husband and marriage. All you have to do is repeat prayer 1 in the BBI Letter 3. Then you resume your prayers as we advised in that BBI Letter. Your marriage will be restored! God wants you to believe and declare what he
has said and written in your matter. That is what is called the confession of faith. The Bible said “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for anyone that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.”
Whatever your experience in these BBI prayers, nothing is final yet. These first seven days may have put the prayers in your spirit, but the next 14 days will bring them to manifestation. The next two weeks will be a flurry of changes. In fact, the weeks ahead are very critical to the answers of the prayers.
You Can Still Join The BBI Level 3 PrayersThese prayers are massive covenant bombs divinely obtained and targeted at those keeping your marriage in perpetual crisis. "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." (2 Corinthians 2:4) For anyone who wants to be part of the BBI 3, why not? Come right in and let’s demonstrate the power of prayers in your marriage. To sow your seed-faith and access your BBI Letter 3, go here. This page is updated for your seed-faith sacrifice and download of the BBI Letter 3.
I will remain in touch. Let me know if you have any issues.
You shall succeed. Osita. NB: Once more, read the latest published testimonies HERE. Let's Continue This On Our FaceBook Page.Click here for our Facebook Page! And Like it!. |
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