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Help Me In Prayer For My Husband! April 05, 2018 |
I See Miracle Marriage Restorations“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
“ of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me."
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
If you were part of the BBI 4, the prayers that have gone forth on your husband and marriage will work. We will continue pushing it until God brings it out in the physical. But the major work is
already done.
![]() Hi Beloved Daughter of God, I wish you a great Easter. This is the anniversary of the death and resurrection, and the eternal Victory of our Lord Jesus Christ over Satan. That victory gave us authority over Satan and his demons through the Name and Blood of Jesus Christ.Hallelujah! Yesterday, Thursday, March 29th was the end of the extended BBI 4. This BBI was by far the longest running BBI. It lasted 37 days of passionate prayers and supplications. For me, it was the longest I fasted and kept vigil. Though I dropped quite some weight in my body, I have gained tremendous authority and strength in the spirit! I know it. My team, also, was very involved as they prayed with me throughout. We were praying here every single minute of day and night. Team members were grouped into four so that people, in turns, were always interceding and praying in the spirit for you.
What is the result of the prayers?
Tremendous! I will show you in a little while. Those grueling hours of fasting and intense prayers were not wasted. If you were part of the BBI 4, the prayers that have gone forth on your husband and marriage will work. We will continue pushing it until God brings it out in the physical. But the major work is already done. I have said it before, God's Word is the final Word on your covenant husband and marriage. The devil, or a thousand demons, with their sent agents, cannot change it. I will like to tell you my experience of the last night of the BBI 4 on Thursday, March 29th. Before we get to that, let me give you some background info. We had a total of 339 participants of the BBI from 41 nations. During the BBI 4, we received written testimonies from 203 women. Some others called and gave their testimonies by phone. I have said that I still want those testimonies in writing, please. A couple of women would not share their testimonies yet because they think it is too good to be real! They prefer to 'wait on it'. There is a serious danger if you keep your testimony to yourself. Your answers may be lost! So, even if you don’t share it with us here, share it with some other Christian groups so that God will have His glory, Amen! But I have assured that your identity would not be disclosed in any of the testimonies. In fact, if I think your location may give your identity, I will omit it or alter it. This is to make you comfortable in sharing the work of God in your marriage.
Right Prayers Never Expire!Here is the first batch of testimonies that arrived during BBI 4. Osita, a couple of days into BBI and my husband came home!!
He's been home for almost a week. After my midnight prayer a few moments ago I noticed he put his wedding band without me asking him to do it! He's been really sweet these past couple days.
Thank you Osita..God IS Faithful. I'll still keep praying.
All the best and thank you again! Dear Osita Good morning, I would like to Thank you for your prayers. I am enjoying my husband more and more each day. I thank God for the change that has come into my marriage and in my husband. I know this is just the beginning of greatness, for it is in the will of God that we stay together. It has been a long and hard road but
things are coming well for us through the prayers. Hello Osita,
I hope you are all well.
My husband for the first time in 2 years has been sleeping here at home for a few nights at a time .
He has been loving, caring and very considerate of me and mum.
He has helped us financially where we needed it and has been helpful and supportive. He has even started referring to my mum as ‘mum’ something he never called her when he was here at home.
Things are changing very fast and I am in awe at what God has done for us and our marriage.
I am stilling continuing my BBI prayers and thank you and your partners for all the prayers over the years for my marriage.
Will keep you posted. Hello Pastor,
You know my story. This is my 4th BBI and it smashed the conspiracy of my inlaws and my husband's co-workers to destroy my marriage.
To make it short, my husband finally took my call this Monday. He was a different person, nice, kind and peaceful. He said he didn't know how to make me forgive him for all the pains.
I couldn't believe it. Was he drunk or setting me up?
Well, next day Tuesday, he came to my office and we went home together. He was sorry for his behavior and wanted to come home to me and the kids.
Today is Saturday and he is still here. It feels so good to be answered. You said it and it happened! I will continue the BBI until March 29th.
God bless you real good. Hi Osita,
I never knew how powerful the power of prayer was until today. Last night, my husband called to check on me, because my step daughter & grandchildren went out of town for the weekend and then today, he called.
He began the conversation by saying that, it takes a bigger person to admit they made a mistake. He said that, he missed me and wanted to come home and work on our marriage.
He didn't completely apologize but admitted he was wrong and that he know the grass is definitely not greener on the other side. He said that, I may not be aware of it but I made him feel like no one else would want him and that he got caught up in her lies and deceit.
I asked him if he wanted to work on our marriage and he said, "Yes, I want to work on our marriage and I miss and love you."
I am still on the BBI prayers and won't stop. It's amazing what God will do for you and the power of prayer. I have no words to describe it. My faith is stronger than ever before. I can't stop praying, because I believe if I do, then I will not only lose my husband but I will lose in every area of my life. God is an awesome and wonderful God. I am a testimony to that. I never want to lose the feeling that I am feeling right now.
Thank you and the prayer team. Please never stop praying for my husband and I. I know where I went wrong and I am trying to make corrections now. Hi Osita,
I just wanted to tell you it's getting better and better everyday. My husband apologized to me and the children. I mean he really sat down
prayed and sincerely apologized like never before. Dear Osita,
I would like to tell you that things are looking up.
My husband has been home several days in a row. We both feel less depressed and lighter, and are communicating a lot, about everything. No physical intimacy for the time being (except hugs and kisses) but that's OK.
Most interestingly, I have been praying the Blood of Jesus as you suggested--against the depression, confusion, and also against the manipulations of any women who might be tempting him.
Last night, he began talking in his sleep (he does this often). It's sometimes hard to understand what he's saying when he talks in his sleep because it comes out garbled. But this time it was crystal clear, he said "My Lord, Jesus Christ!" Jesus has entered him! I could not
believe it.
Thank You God!
I will continue to pray in this manner and keep you updated.
Your testimony is next. It shall not disappoint. I have put in so much prayer labor into it. I believe you too had been sweating it out too. I must give this one glory to God on your behalf! Now, it is time to tell you how I rounded off my BBI 4 intercession. Yesterday, Thursday, March 29th, 11. 45 pm, I started to sing and praise God for the conclusion of yet another BBI with awesome changes and restoration in many homes. Usually, I will do this until about 12.30 am, then I will continue the petitions and intercessions on your behalf. So, I laid the spreadsheet of names of the 339 women (and their husbands) of BBI 4 on the reading table. I set up the first picture of the day from my computer and started to pray.
But I couldn’t fly at the same momentum I usually do. It was a drag. I was praying
quite alright, it just wasn’t hitting home. Perhaps, you may not understand what I mean but I have developed this spirit of prayer that envelops me when I pray. Something was not what it used to be… so much struggle to enter into fervent prayers.
That was when God whispered into my spirit… “Sing me songs… praise me! Great things are happening and will yet happen for these women.” This was around 1.50 am. That time became my 'new' beginning of the midnight intercession. So, I started as I was commanded:
Song 1 Bless the Lord, Oh my soul And all that is within me, bless His Holy Name He has done great things He has done great things Praise His Holy Name! Song 2 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood Chorus: This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. Song 3 O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder Thy power throughout the universe displayed Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee How great Thou art, how great Thou art Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee How great Thou art, how great Thou art Song 4 Unto the Lord be the glory, great things He has done (2x) Great things He has done, greater things He will do Unto the Lord be the glory great He has done.It was as if I couldn’t stop myself. I went on until I was sufficiently charged to praise and thank Him in the spirit till the break of the day. Remember what He said to me: “There will continue to be the miracle marriage restoration from the BBI 4 prayers. Every word of prayer is being worked out." What Is Next After The BBI 4?I will answer this question directly. Your testimony is next. It shall not disappoint. I have put in so much prayer labor into it. I believe you too had been sweating it out too. I must give this one glory to God on your behalf! Whether you have received your answer at BBI 4 or you are still expectant, prayers should continue. When your marriage restoration is firm, and we receive your report, we will round off the prayers together. So, as the BBI ends, the approved prayers continue. If you suspended the approved prayers as I advised, take them up again and pray the remaining out days. If you did not have approved prayers, send me your request by sending me five choice prayer numbers you would like to pray. I would ponder on them and advise next prayer direction. I have read the stories about your husband's stubborn attachment to strange woman and your deep pains over him and your marriage. I sought the face of God before we started praying. I do NOT see any hopeless or impossible case in my list.
God is faithful. You shall succeed. Osita. email:confidential@marriednation.comLet's Continue This On Our FaceBook Page.Click here for our Facebook Page! And Like it!. |
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